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Beha-Amprobe TMA40-A Anemometer med datalogging

Produktnummer: 114196

  • Måler vindhastighet eller luftvolum, RH og temp
  • Stort bakgrunnsbelyst display
  • Inkl. ekstern sensor med fleksibel kabel
  • Datalogging 2400 punkter
  • Inkl. programvare, bæreveske og USB-kabel

The Amprobe TMA40-A provides three measurements in one: Air Velocity or volume, Relative Humidity andTemperature. With three ways to view your measurement results. Choose between single point measurement,multiple points up to 99, or the added feature of data logging up to 2400 data points. User sets the measurementinterval time from 1 to 200 seconds. The TMA40-A has a flexible cord to position vane where you need to measure.For accurate CFM results, the user simply inputs the area of the air source. TMA40-A ships with USB interface cable,Software CD, hard carrying case and user manual.